=== Advanced Spoiler === Contributors: 082net Tags: spoiler, advanced-spoiler, jquery Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 2.8.6 Stable tag: 2.02 Show or hide contents(text, image etc.) with animated effects wrapped by spoiler markup tag([spoiler][/spoiler]). == Description == New version of Ajax Spoiler plugin renamed to 'Advanced Spoiler'. Show or hide contents(text, image etc.) with animated effects wrapped by spoiler markup tag([spoiler][/spoiler]). * Animate effects: appear, blind, slide, apblind(appear + blind), phase, simple(no animate) * Supports TinyMCE button and quicktags button * Provides option page for default effect, show text, hide text, animate speed, nested spoilers. * Supports 'Simple Mode': no aniated effects and just simple javascript. = Included Translations = * Korean translation by me ;) * Russian translation by FatCow - Thanks! == Installation == 1. Upload `advanced-spoiler` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Screenshots == 1. TinyMCE button 2. Quicktags button 3. Option page 4. Before click 5. After click == Usage == Enclose any paragraphs or passages with `[spoiler]` and `[/spoiler]` e.g. * simple: `[spoiler] spoiler content... [/spoiler]` * options: `[spoiler effect="blind" show="Show me" hide="Hide me"] spoiler content... [/spoiler]`