ID ); More compatible but Longer URL $the_text = stripslashes($the_text); $the_text = str_replace('%login%', 'Login', $the_text); $the_text = str_replace('%register%', 'Register', $the_text); return $the_text; } function hidepost_replace_pattern() { //Replace pattern with the link global $hidepost_content_text, $hidepost_link_text, $hidepost_role_text; // Replace the link $hidepost_content_text = hidepost_replace_pattern_link($hidepost_content_text); $hidepost_link_text = hidepost_replace_pattern_link($hidepost_link_text); $hidepost_role_text = hidepost_replace_pattern_link($hidepost_role_text); //Replace the Role $hidepost_content_text = str_replace('%role%', "Registered Member", $hidepost_content_text); $hidepost_link_text = str_replace('%role%', "Registered Member", $hidepost_link_text); } function hidepost_get_level_req($level_tag) { $hidepost_max_level = -1; $hidepost_temp = strlen($level_tag); $hidepost_max_level = $level_tag[$hidepost_temp - 1]; return $hidepost_max_level; } function hidepost_text_content() { global $hidepost_content_text, $hidepost_content_text_hide; if ($hidepost_content_text_hide != 1) { return $hidepost_content_text; } else { return ''; } } function hidepost_role_text($hidepost_max_level) { global $hidepost_role_text, $hidepost_role_text_hide; switch ($hidepost_max_level): case 0:$show = 'Subscriber'; break; case 1:$show = 'Contributor'; break; case 2:$show = 'Author'; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:$show = 'Editor'; break; case 8: case 9:$show = 'Administrator'; break; endswitch; $hidepost_role_text = str_replace('%role%', $show, $hidepost_role_text); if ($hidepost_role_text_hide != 1) { return $hidepost_role_text; } else { return ''; } } if (!function_exists('hidethis')) { function hidethis($content, $level = 0, $display = true) { global $current_user, $user_ID, $user_level; get_currentuserinfo(); if ($user_ID == '') { //If not logged in if ($display) {echo hidepost_text_content();} else { return hidepost_text_content(); } } else if ($user_level < $level) { //Not meet the require level if ($display) {echo hidepost_role_text($level);} else { return hidepost_role_text($level); } } else { if ($display) {echo $content;} else { return $content; } } } } function hidepost_replace_hide($content) { global $current_user, $user_ID, $user_level, $m_id; $m_id++; // es gibt kein sie mehr nur noch si // mod 20191005 preg_match_all('#\[hidepost(.*?)\](.*?)\[/hidepost\]#si', implode(' ',$content), $matches); //Find the hidepost tag // implode ergaenzt 20190220 $level_tag = $matches[1][$m_id]; $hidepost_max_level = 0; if ($level_tag[0] == '=') { $hidepost_max_level = hidepost_get_level_req($level_tag); //Get the level require } //Will allow bot if user want - Temporary disable /* $hidepost_allow_bot = get_option('hidepost_allow_bot'); if ($hidepost_allow_bot == 1) { $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (stristr('google Googlebot googlebot msnbot ia_archiver lycos jeeves scooter fast-webcrawler slurp@inktomi turnitinbot technorati yahoo findexa findlinks gaisbo zyborg surveybot bloglines blogsearch pubsub syndic8 userland gigabot', $useragent) !== false) { return $matches[2][$m_id]; } }*/ get_currentuserinfo(); if ($user_ID == '') { //If not logged in return hidepost_text_content(); } if ($user_level < $hidepost_max_level) { //Not meet the require level return hidepost_role_text($hidepost_max_level); } return $matches[2][$m_id]; //Return the content if user can see } function hidepost_replace_link($content) { global $current_user, $user_ID, $hidepost_link_text, $hidepost_link_text_hide, $m_id; $m_id++; // e entfernt bei sie preg_match_all('#\(.*?)\#si', $content, $matches); //Find all the link get_currentuserinfo(); if (strpos($matches[0][$m_id], "class=\"more-link\"") != false) { //Hacked return $matches[0][$m_id]; } if ($user_ID == '') { //If not logged in if ($hidepost_link_text_hide != 1) { return $hidepost_link_text; } else { return ''; } } else {return $matches[0][$m_id];} //Or return the content if user can see } function hidepost_filter_post($content) { global $m_id, $hidepost_hide_link, $hidepost_hide_content; hidepost_replace_pattern(); //Protect the link if ($hidepost_hide_link == 1) { $m_id = -1; //Magic ^.^ // 20190207 OLD $content = preg_replace('#\(.*?)\#sie','hidepost_replace_link($content)',$content); $content = preg_replace('#\(.*?)\#si', 'hidepost_replace_link', $content); } //Protect content if ($hidepost_hide_content == 1) { $m_id = -1; // 20190207 OLD $content = preg_replace('#\[hidepost(.*?)\](.*?)\[/hidepost\]#sie','hidepost_replace_hide($content)',$content); $content = preg_replace_callback('#\[hidepost(.*?)\](.*?)\[/hidepost\]#si', 'hidepost_replace_hide', $content); } return $content; } //Add the Option Page function hidepost_options() { if (function_exists('add_options_page')) { add_options_page('HidePost Options', 'HidePost', 6, 'hidepost/options.php'); } } function the_view($special_var) { return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($special_var)); } //Replace your old tag with new [hidepost] tag function hidepost_search_and_replace($old_tag, $old_close_tag, $new_tag) { global $wpdb; if ($new_tag != "[hidepost]") { //Just double checking user want to replace return 'Your new tag must be [hidepost]'; } if (($old_tag == "[hidepost]") && ($old_close_tag == "[/hidepost]")) { return 'Your tag already newest'; } // Be careful editing those lines $new_close_tag = "[/hidepost]"; echo 'Find ' . $old_tag . ' and replace with ' . $new_tag . '... '; $query = "UPDATE $wpdb->posts "; $query .= "SET post_content = "; $query .= "REPLACE(post_content, \"$old_tag\", \"$new_tag\") "; $wpdb->get_results($query); echo 'Completed
'; echo 'Find ' . $old_close_tag . ' and replace with ' . $new_close_tag . '... '; $query = "UPDATE $wpdb->posts "; $query .= "SET post_content = "; $query .= "REPLACE(post_content, \"$old_close_tag\", \"$new_close_tag\") "; $wpdb->get_results($query); echo 'Completed
'; return 'All done, Enjoy using HidePost
'; } function is_checked($show_or_not) { if ($show_or_not == 1) { return 'checked'; } else { return ''; } } if (!get_option('hidepost_hide_content') && !get_option('hidepost_disable_notice')) { function hidepost_warning() { echo "

" . "You must enable HidePost at its Option Page | Disable this notice" . "

"; } add_action('admin_notices', 'hidepost_warning'); } //Hook function add_action('admin_menu', 'hidepost_options'); add_filter('the_content', 'hidepost_filter_post'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'hidepost_filter_post'); add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'hidepost_filter_post'); //Function: Add Quick Tag For HidePost In TinyMCE >= WordPress 2.5 add_action('init', 'hidepost_tinymce_addbuttons'); function hidepost_tinymce_addbuttons() { if (!current_user_can('edit_posts') && !current_user_can('edit_pages')) { return; } if (get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') { add_filter("mce_external_plugins", "hidepost_tinymce_addplugin"); add_filter('mce_buttons', 'hidepost_tinymce_registerbutton'); } } function hidepost_tinymce_registerbutton($buttons) { array_push($buttons, 'separator', 'hidepost'); return $buttons; } function hidepost_tinymce_addplugin($plugin_array) { $plugin_array['hidepost'] = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/hidepost/tinymce/plugins/hidepost/editor_plugin.js'; return $plugin_array; } //Add quick tag for normal editor add_action('admin_footer', 'hidepost_quicktag_footer'); function hidepost_quicktag_footer() { echo '' . "\n"; }